Tell us a little about your background
Cindy was born in Tennessee, Mike was born in New Jersey and Melissa was born in Winter Park, FL . We are both retired from OCPS. Mike has two sons and Cindy has one daughter. We also have two granddaughters. Cindy's sister Helen also lives nearby.
If a couple, where and when did you first meet one another?
We both attended Maitland Presbyterian and we knew each other through our children. We went on a Young Life Retreat and fell in love and married a year later. We have been married for eighteen years .
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
Mike enjoys acting and playing music as well as singing. Cindy loves crossword puzzles and volunteering at a homeless center. Melissa loves jigsaw puzzles and playing Wheel of Fortune with her friends on Face Time.
What might someone be surprised to learn about you?
Mike worked for BJ 105 radio and television. Cindy helped build a handicapped playground at Turkey Lake park and coordinated feeding over 2000 people over a three day period. Melissa has met several TV stars including Anderson Cooper, Paul Wahlberg and John Ceno.
Why do you choose to attend Maitland Pres?
Cindy came with her family as a very young child. Mike also came with his family and loved the minister and staff. Melissa loved the youth programs.
How long have you been a member of Maitland Pres?
54 years for Cindy, 40 years for Mike and 37 for Melissa.
How do you feel that Maitland Pres makes an impact in the community?
The many ministries the church supports as well as a great preschool, the Language Learning Center, the Mental Health Support class, Vacation Bible School and the youth group.
What ways are you involved with the church?
Mike and Melissa sing on the Praise Team. Mike is also a Stephen Minister, chair of the Worship Committee, elder, church bus driver and trainer, server for Home Bound communion and volunteer for sound and lighting. Melissa is a Deacon and visits members at Advent Health Hospital. Cindy is a greeter and does filing for office staff as well as previously helping with Vacation Bible School and Welcome Ministries.
What is a scripture you love or frequently return to and why?
"Be still and know that I am God" from Psalm 46. Also Psalm 23. Our journey has not always been easy but we feel God’s presence with us every step of the way. He opens and closes doors.
What are some of your personal favorites? App, Food, Color, Animal, Book, Music/Singer
Weight Watchers and the Ultimate Guitar app. For food, steak, shrimp, macaroni and cheese. Our favorite colors are blue and purple. We have a pet cat. We like to read the Guidepost devotional and the Messenge Bible . For music, anything that is joyful like Stephen Curtis Chapman, our own Mike Rusnak and Mannheim Steamroller.