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Maitland Pres Q & A: Melissa Stebbins and Mike & Cindy Rusnak

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

  • Tell us a little about your background

Cindy was born in Tennessee, Mike was born in New Jersey and Melissa was born in Winter Park, FL . We are both retired from OCPS. Mike has two sons and Cindy has one daughter. We also have two granddaughters. Cindy's sister Helen also lives nearby.

  • If a couple, where and when did you first meet one another?

We both attended Maitland Presbyterian and we knew each other through our children. We went on a Young Life Retreat and fell in love and married a year later. We have been married for eighteen years .

  • What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Mike enjoys acting and playing music as well as singing. Cindy loves crossword puzzles and volunteering at a homeless center. Melissa loves jigsaw puzzles and playing Wheel of Fortune with her friends on Face Time.

  • What might someone be surprised to learn about you?

Mike worked for BJ 105 radio and television. Cindy helped build a handicapped playground at Turkey Lake park and coordinated feeding over 2000 people over a three day period. Melissa has met several TV stars including Anderson Cooper, Paul Wahlberg and John Ceno.

  • Why do you choose to attend Maitland Pres?

Cindy came with her family as a very young child. Mike also came with his family and loved the minister and staff. Melissa loved the youth programs.

  • How long have you been a member of Maitland Pres?

54 years for Cindy, 40 years for Mike and 37 for Melissa.

  • How do you feel that Maitland Pres makes an impact in the community?

The many ministries the church supports as well as a great preschool, the Language Learning Center, the Mental Health Support class, Vacation Bible School and the youth group.

  • What ways are you involved with the church?

Mike and Melissa sing on the Praise Team. Mike is also a Stephen Minister, chair of the Worship Committee, elder, church bus driver and trainer, server for Home Bound communion and volunteer for sound and lighting. Melissa is a Deacon and visits members at Advent Health Hospital. Cindy is a greeter and does filing for office staff as well as previously helping with Vacation Bible School and Welcome Ministries.

What is a scripture you love or frequently return to and why?

"Be still and know that I am God" from Psalm 46. Also Psalm 23. Our journey has not always been easy but we feel God’s presence with us every step of the way. He opens and closes doors.

  • What are some of your personal favorites? App, Food, Color, Animal, Book, Music/Singer

Weight Watchers and the Ultimate Guitar app. For food, steak, shrimp, macaroni and cheese. Our favorite colors are blue and purple. We have a pet cat. We like to read the Guidepost devotional and the Messenge Bible . For music, anything that is joyful like Stephen Curtis Chapman, our own Mike Rusnak and Mannheim Steamroller.


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