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Maitland Pres Q & A: Kenne Sparks

  • Tell us a little about your background

I was born in Oxford, MS where my father was attending Ole Miss. He was a Naval Helicopter Pilot and passed away when I was two. My mother remarried a wonderful man when I was 8 and we moved to Atlanta, GA. We then moved to Orlando when I entered high school. I am currently working for the Central Florida Presbytery as the Office Manager and Coordinator for Youth and Collegiate Ministries and starting a small business doing Aerial Photography. I just received my FAA certification for quadcopters/drones.

For the 10 years prior, I was a contractor for the US. Army. I also worked as a Broadcast Production Manager for the University of South Florida's where we broadcasted/webcasted distance learning courses and special events. I live in English Estates with my wife Christina and 4 of our 5 children. We enjoy family time and being outdoors. New Smyrna Beach and Blackbird, a little comic shop in Maitland, are our favorite spots (if you can't find us, we are probably at one of these two places). We are excited to be a part of the Maitland congregation and look forward to our family growing in faith with the Maitland family.

  • If a couple, where and when did you first meet one another?

Christina and I met working on the Evangelism Committee at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in Tampa, FL.

  • What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Flying Drones, Photography, Graphic Novels and the Outdoors

  • What might someone be surprised to learn about you?

Working for the Presbytery a lot of people are surprised I did not grow up in the church.

  • Why do you choose to attend Maitland Pres?

The warmth we received on our initial visit but more so the way we were remembered every time we came back.

  • How long have you been a member of Maitland Pres?

About 7 months

  • In what ways are you involved with the church?

Our children are attending Youth Group but I am looking for a way to be more involved.

  • What is a scripture you love or frequently return to and why?

The story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. With Pilate entering the city with pomp and circumstance, Jesus rides into the city on a donkey. The streets are lined with crowds laying palm fronds in his path. I can imagine Pilate parading through the gates wondering where everyone else is at. The story reminds me of two things: Power and Funding do not equal nor control the love of those around you and that if Jesus can use a donkey he can use me. I often say this with a slightly more colorful word for a donkey.

  • What are some of your personal favorites? App, Food, Color, Animal, Book, Music/Singer

Favorite App - Solitare, Food - BBQ Jackfruit, Color - Purple, Animal - Osprey, Book - The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, Singer/Music - Bob Marley/Reggae anything Funk is a close second.


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