Tell us a little about your background
I was born in Oxford, MS where my father was attending Ole Miss. He was a Naval Helicopter Pilot and passed away when I was two. My mother remarried a wonderful man when I was 8 and we moved to Atlanta, GA. We then moved to Orlando when I entered high school. I am currently working for the Central Florida Presbytery as the Office Manager and Coordinator for Youth and Collegiate Ministries and starting a small business doing Aerial Photography. I just received my FAA certification for quadcopters/drones.
For the 10 years prior, I was a contractor for the US. Army. I also worked as a Broadcast Production Manager for the University of South Florida's where we broadcasted/webcasted distance learning courses and special events. I live in English Estates with my wife Christina and 4 of our 5 children. We enjoy family time and being outdoors. New Smyrna Beach and Blackbird, a little comic shop in Maitland, are our favorite spots (if you can't find us, we are probably at one of these two places). We are excited to be a part of the Maitland congregation and look forward to our family growing in faith with the Maitland family.
If a couple, where and when did you first meet one another?
Christina and I met working on the Evangelism Committee at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in Tampa, FL.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
Flying Drones, Photography, Graphic Novels and the Outdoors
What might someone be surprised to learn about you?
Working for the Presbytery a lot of people are surprised I did not grow up in the church.
Why do you choose to attend Maitland Pres?
The warmth we received on our initial visit but more so the way we were remembered every time we came back.
How long have you been a member of Maitland Pres?
About 7 months
In what ways are you involved with the church?
Our children are attending Youth Group but I am looking for a way to be more involved.
What is a scripture you love or frequently return to and why?
The story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. With Pilate entering the city with pomp and circumstance, Jesus rides into the city on a donkey. The streets are lined with crowds laying palm fronds in his path. I can imagine Pilate parading through the gates wondering where everyone else is at. The story reminds me of two things: Power and Funding do not equal nor control the love of those around you and that if Jesus can use a donkey he can use me. I often say this with a slightly more colorful word for a donkey.
What are some of your personal favorites? App, Food, Color, Animal, Book, Music/Singer
Favorite App - Solitare, Food - BBQ Jackfruit, Color - Purple, Animal - Osprey, Book - The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, Singer/Music - Bob Marley/Reggae anything Funk is a close second.