Hello Church!
We would love to have you join us on Sunday, September 12th for Homecoming Sunday!
After over a year of pandemic interruptions and changes, things are fully open here at Maitland Presbyterian Church. Our children’s Sunday School class and youth group ministries are in full swing. Adults groups for study and games are back in the building. Preschool students have filled the classrooms. Our committees, deacons, Stephen Ministry and the session are studying and working together. Worship is back, including music, hymns, children’s time, liturgy and fellowship.
If you have been traveling over the summer, stepped away during Covid, or have been thinking about inviting a friend to visit our church for the first time, Homecoming is a great day to come back to worship. The 9:00 service features contemporary music with a band, and offers Sunday School for Children. The 11:00 service is traditional with a choir and pipe organ. Nursery care is offered for both services. We will have a special brunch on the church lawn at 10 for everyone to gather. Adult Sunday School meets at 9:30 in the Conference Room and they will be studying the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
On Homecoming we will begin a new sermon series called “Confirmation for Everyone” during which we will unpack the foundational beliefs of our faith. Whether you are just starting to explore Christianity or have been in the pews for 40 years, this will be a time to focus on what it means to be a Christian. It will also be the start of our confirmation class for high school students! They will join us in the sanctuary for the 9:00 service and then head to their class at 10 for more discussion. All youth are invited to sit with the confirmation class in the new youth pew in the sanctuary. Each week we will cover one topic about the Christian faith and invite everyone, youth and adult, to learn a memory verse, participate in discussion and read along with us in the book Christian Doctrine by Shirley Guthrie.
We are returning to normal this fall, with many familiar services and events. We know the pandemic is still a part of our lives, but this year we can approach it differently. We have learned so much together over the past 18 months on how to keep one another safe.
Masking when we are gathered inside together will allow us to move forward with our full worship and program schedule. The elders will lead worship for Elder Sunday and we will remember those we have lost on All Saints. We will welcome new confirmands and adult members and spend time together during the new 10:00 hour for food, fellowship and education. Long standing groups like the Presbyterian Women and small groups are returning to the building. We will have monthly events for all ages like movie nights, a fall celebration and a special Advent workshop.
We are planning for a future with purpose. In October, you will hear from members sharing about why this church is their home. During the stewardship presentation in early November, we will reflect more together about what makes a church a home, both for our members and for those in our neighborhood who come visit with us. We are already excited for Advent and have a few surprises prepared!
We hope you know how important each of you are to us. The building is a busy place on Sundays and we wish we could talk to each of you between services. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out and schedule a time to meet together. You can email us or call the church office at the contact information below. We would love to hear from you.
Since 1882, this congregation has been a home for generations of families here in Central Florida. We hope you will join us in September as we continue this legacy together.
In Christ,
Pastor Megan and Pastor Dave
Email: mcollins@maitlandpres.org or dcollins@maitlandpres.org
Phone: 407-644-3455
