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Giving our way through Lent

With the start of Lent this week, the Presbyterian Women of Maitland Presbyterian Church and the Community Outreach Ministry invite you to join them in loving like Jesus for 40 days! Each week you will be encouraged to donate specific items for a recipient in our community. Gather up your items throughout the week then bring them to church on Sunday. A PW circle will be ready to greet you before each worship service at the church van where all donations will be loaded up for delivery on Monday. This Sunday, February 21, the women of Circle 9 will be leading the collection. If you worship online come by anytime before the 9, 10 or 11:00 service to to drop off your items. Please only bring items for the program of the week and save future items for the designated Sunday. This Sunday we will start off with a collection for Compassion Corner. Compassion Corner provides support for individuals experiencing homelessness here in Central Florida. Several of our church members including Cheryl Anderson, Cindy Rusnak and Joe McKinney work with this amazing program. We are collecting coffee, sugar and powdered creamer packets and hygiene items this week to support their program. If you want to plan ahead for upcoming weeks, you can see the full list of programs and items below. Join us this week in supporting Compassion Corner and their ministry to the homeless! ——————————————————————————————————- Upcoming programs and items to collect Week 2: Local Schools (Non-perishable food items including vegetables, soup, canned meat, cereal, pasta) Week 3: Christian Sharing Center (Socks, underwear, T-shirts, water, wet wipes, antibiotic ointment, bottled water, vaseline) Week 4: Recovery House (Socks, belts, toiletries) Week 5: Debbie Turner Cancer Center (Children: Toys, Teens: Soda, chips, chocolate, hygiene items) Week 6: One Heart for Women & Children (Shoes, clothing, baby wipes, diapers, bottles)


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