Starting Sunday, February 7th, we will offer three in person services in addition to online options!
9:00 Contemporary worship in the sanctuary 10:00 Blended worship on the lawn 11:00 Traditional Worship in the sanctuary
Online worship will continue as well for those who prefer to worship from home. Covid precautions including masks for all who attend and social distancing will continue and be especially important for the indoor services.
Here are a few questions and answers about the sanctuary services:
Why are there two indoor services? Two services will be offered to allow us to spread out those who attend and offer the two worship styles.
Do I have to wear a mask if I have received the vaccine? Yes! Even those who have received the vaccine may still be able to spread the virus to others. Masks are required for everyone while on church property at all times, covering both the mouth and nose.
Will worship look the same as it did back in March at the indoor services? Some things will look the way we remember with a sermon, music offerings, and prayer. Other things, like the greeting, receiving line, and fellowship with food and coffee will have to wait. While we all wish things could be completely back to normal, we celebrate this big step to being back together in the sanctuary!
Can we chat with other members? Yes, but only outside. In order to prevent crowding in the narthex and allow us to air out the building between services, we ask that you catch up with other members outside in the porch area before or after services (and keep on your masks!)
Can other groups reserve space in the church? Yes, starting in March other church groups who can meet with masks can reserve space in the church building with Maryanne LoSasso. Even if your group has met in the church regularly before the closure, you need to contact her so details for making sure the church is open and ready for you can be coordinated. If you are a voting group (like finance or the session) you need to provide an online option for all voting members to be able to participate in church business decisions. We can't have food at meetings or gatherings because then we would have to take off our masks.
Will online and lawn services continue? Absol Yes, starting in March other church groups who can meet with masks can reserve space in the church building with Maryanne LoSasso. Even if your group has met in the church regularly before the closure, you need to contact her so details for making sure the church is open and ready for you can be coordinated. If you are a voting group (like finance or the session) you need to provide an online option for all voting members to be able to participate in church business decisions.
Will there be childcare? Yes! Childcare will be available for all three services.
What about Sunday School? Children's Sunday School will meet on the lawn at 9:00. Adult Sunday School will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30.
Can we say hello to one another in the narthex? Please feel free to say a short hello and greet one another on your way in and out of church. We can’t do hugs or handshakes but excited waving is encouraged! Please keep longer conversations outside of the building on the porch, the lawn or the parking lot. We want you to be able to catch up with members of the church family but also need to avoid large crowds in the narthex for everyone’s safety.
Where should I sit in the sanctuary? You will notice when you come in that every other pew is roped off. When you find an open pew, make sure you are not within arms length of other members. If you reach out your arms and they reach out theirs and you can’t touch one another, you are in good shape!
What about choir and volunteer musicians? We can’t wait to keep adding in more things we miss as we reopen the building. For now, slow and steady is going to be the approach to keep everyone safe. The session meets again in two weeks and will talk more about protocol and procedures for musicians and other worship volunteers. For now, Margaret will play hymns on the organ at the traditional service and Matthew will lead music for the contemporary service. Words will be on the screen and you are welcome to sing along (while wearing your mask, of course).